Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Reminders of Spring

Daffodils on kitchen counter

I guess you can tell that we're all a little excited about spring here at the A-List. Susan's post leads wonderfully into mine, as I want to share my recent experiences in the way flowers can act as art --- brightening a room, drawing positive focus and being little reminders that spring is here or, if you're in Maine, on it's way!

For me, this season brings the need to open the windows once it gets warm enough to let all the stale winter air out and the fresh spring breeze in. Since it's not yet warm enough, my boyfriend and I decided we could do something else to bring spring in. So we went on a search for flowers.

At Shaw's, we found daffodils that had not yet bloomed. Three bundles for $6. I was skeptical because they weren't pretty yet. I needed instant gratification. But the next morning I didn't regret the $6 and actually began to consider what a bargain it was. We placed a bundle of daffodils in the bathroom, the kitchen, and the entryway next to the door. In the morning, they had opened up and vibrant yellow flowers filled the vases, lifting our moods and bringing a certain brightness to each room.

Daffodils as bathroom art

Flowers are art. Especially after a long and cold winter.



Anonymous said...

I bought my friend some un-blossomed daffodils from Shaws -- and all they needed was some water and they actually started to open. Amazing!

The A-List said...

Now you have it girl! Colorful flowers are good for the soul. Remind your boyfriend that they're wonderful to receive for no reason at all, as opposed to the 'holiday' bouquet.