Sunday, April 27, 2008


Reading the back cover of the DVD case as I finally sat down to watch Juno, I became a little skeptical of what I was going to see. A teenage girl gets pregnant and searches for the best family to adopt the baby. I wasn't in the mood for a touchy-feely sort of comedy. I was in the mood for laughs.

After the second scene in the movie, I was already laughing. Ellen Page, the young actress playing the part of pregnant 16 year-old Juno, gave a wonderful performance. All of the smart and quirky comments of hers are what made me laugh. It wasn't just her mannerisms, though, it was her delivery. You'll see a few examples in the trailer.

I enjoy Hollywood's recent "honest streak" in creating films where the "life struggle" isn't just getting pregnant. It's also about family, love and the ability to hope for the good in all of those things despite experiences in the past.

"Knocked Up" was brutally honest. So honest that you got a nice medium shot of the baby crowning. And while Juno steers clear of being quite so graphic, there is real material that tells a real story.

Funny. Quirky. Sweet. Watch it.


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